[PATCH v2] selftests: netfilter: conntrack respect reject rules

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This test ensures that conntrack correctly applies reject rules to
established connections after DNAT, even when those connections are

The test sets up three network namespaces: ns1, ns2, and nsrouter.
nsrouter acts as a router with DNAT, exposing a service running in ns2
via a virtual IP.

The test validates that is possible to filter and reject new and
established connections to the DNATed IP in the prerouting and forward

Signed-off-by: Antonio Ojea <aojea@xxxxxxxxxx>
V1 -> V2:
* Modified the test function to accept a third argument which contains
  the nftables rules to be applied.

* Add a new test case to filter and reject in the prerouting hook.
 .../testing/selftests/net/netfilter/Makefile  |   1 +
 tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/config  |   1 +
 .../nft_conntrack_reject_established.sh       | 294 ++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 296 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/nft_conntrack_reject_established.sh

diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/Makefile
index ffe161fac8b5..c276b8ac2383 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/Makefile
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ TEST_PROGS += nf_nat_edemux.sh
 TEST_PROGS += nft_audit.sh
 TEST_PROGS += nft_concat_range.sh
 TEST_PROGS += nft_conntrack_helper.sh
+TEST_PROGS += nft_conntrack_reject_established.sh
 TEST_PROGS += nft_fib.sh
 TEST_PROGS += nft_flowtable.sh
 TEST_PROGS += nft_meta.sh
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/config b/tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/config
index 43d8b500d391..44ed1a7eb0b5 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/config
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/config
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ CONFIG_NFT_NUMGEN=m
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/nft_conntrack_reject_established.sh b/tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/nft_conntrack_reject_established.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..69a5d426991f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/nft_conntrack_reject_established.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+# This tests conntrack on the following scenario:
+#                         +------------+
+# +-------+               |  nsrouter  |                  +-------+
+# |ns1    |.99          .1|            |.1             .99|    ns2|
+# |   eth0|---------------|veth0  veth1|------------------|eth0   |
+# |       |  |            |    |       |
+# +-------+  dead:1::/64  |    veth2   |   dead:2::/64    +-------+
+#                         +------------+
+# nsrouters implement loadbalancing using DNAT with a virtual IP
+# - dead:4::a
+# shellcheck disable=SC2162,SC2317
+source lib.sh
+	ip netns pids "$ns1" | xargs kill 2>/dev/null
+	ip netns pids "$ns2" | xargs kill 2>/dev/null
+	ip netns pids "$nsrouter" | xargs kill 2>/dev/null
+	cleanup_all_ns
+checktool "nft --version" "test without nft tool"
+checktool "socat -h" "run test without socat"
+trap cleanup EXIT
+setup_ns ns1 ns2 nsrouter
+if ! ip link add veth0 netns "$nsrouter" type veth peer name eth0 netns "$ns1" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+    echo "SKIP: No virtual ethernet pair device support in kernel"
+    exit $ksft_skip
+ip link add veth1 netns "$nsrouter" type veth peer name eth0 netns "$ns2"
+ip -net "$nsrouter" link set veth0 up
+ip -net "$nsrouter" addr add dev veth0
+ip -net "$nsrouter" addr add dead:1::1/64 dev veth0 nodad
+ip -net "$nsrouter" link set veth1 up
+ip -net "$nsrouter" addr add dev veth1
+ip -net "$nsrouter" addr add dead:2::1/64 dev veth1 nodad
+ip -net "$ns1" link set eth0 up
+ip -net "$ns2" link set eth0 up
+ip -net "$ns1" addr add dev eth0
+ip -net "$ns1" addr add dead:1::99/64 dev eth0 nodad
+ip -net "$ns1" route add default via
+ip -net "$ns1" route add default via dead:1::1
+ip -net "$ns2" addr add dev eth0
+ip -net "$ns2" addr add dead:2::99/64 dev eth0 nodad
+ip -net "$ns2" route add default via
+ip -net "$ns2" route add default via dead:2::1
+ip netns exec "$nsrouter" sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 > /dev/null
+ip netns exec "$nsrouter" sysctl net.ipv4.conf.veth0.forwarding=1 > /dev/null
+ip netns exec "$nsrouter" sysctl net.ipv4.conf.veth1.forwarding=1 > /dev/null
+test_ping() {
+  if ! ip netns exec "$ns1" ping -c 1 -q > /dev/null; then
+	return 1
+  fi
+  if ! ip netns exec "$ns1" ping -c 1 -q dead:2::99 > /dev/null; then
+	return 2
+  fi
+  return 0
+test_ping_router() {
+  if ! ip netns exec "$ns1" ping -c 1 -q > /dev/null; then
+	return 3
+  fi
+  if ! ip netns exec "$ns1" ping -c 1 -q dead:2::1 > /dev/null; then
+	return 4
+  fi
+  return 0
+	local ns="$1"
+	local port="$2"
+	local proto="$3"
+	ss -N "$ns" -ln "$proto" -o "sport = :$port" | grep -q "$port"
+	local ip_proto="$1"
+	local testname="$2-$ip_proto"
+	local test_rules="$3"
+	# derived variables
+	local socat_ipproto
+	local vip
+	local vip_ip_port
+	local ns2_ip
+	local ns2_ip_port
+	# socat 1.8.0 has a bug that requires to specify the IP family to bind (fixed in
+	case $ip_proto in
+	"ip")
+		socat_ipproto="-4"
+		vip=
+		ns2_ip=
+		vip_ip_port="$vip:8080"
+		ns2_ip_port="$ns2_ip:8080"
+	;;
+	"ip6")
+		socat_ipproto="-6"
+		vip=dead:4::a
+		ns2_ip=dead:2::99
+		vip_ip_port="[$vip]:8080"
+		ns2_ip_port="[$ns2_ip]:8080"
+	;;
+	*)
+	echo "FAIL: unsupported protocol"
+	exit 255
+	;;
+	esac
+	# nsroute expose ns2 server in a virtual IP using DNAT
+	ip netns exec "$nsrouter" nft -f /dev/stdin <<EOF
+flush ruleset
+table inet nat {
+	chain kube-proxy {
+		type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept;
+		$ip_proto daddr $vip tcp dport 8080 dnat to $ns2_ip_port
+	}
+	TMPFILEIN=$(mktemp)
+	TMPFILEOUT=$(mktemp)
+	# set up a server in ns2
+	timeout "$timeout" ip netns exec "$ns2" socat -u "$socat_ipproto" tcp-listen:8080,fork STDIO > "$TMPFILEOUT" 2> /dev/null &
+	local server2_pid=$!
+	busywait "$BUSYWAIT_TIMEOUT" listener_ready "$ns2" 8080 "-t"
+	local result
+	# request from ns1 to ns2 (direct traffic) must work
+	if ! echo PING1 | ip netns exec "$ns1" socat -t 2 -T 2 -u STDIO tcp:"$ns2_ip_port" 2> /dev/null ; then
+		echo "ERROR: $testname: fail to connect to $ns2_ip_port"
+		ret=1
+	fi
+	result=$( tail -n 1 "$TMPFILEOUT" )
+	if [ "$result" == "PING1" ] ;then
+		echo "PASS: $testname: ns1 got reply \"$result\" connecting to ns2"
+	else
+		echo "ERROR: $testname: ns1 got reply \"$result\" connecting to ns2, not \"PING1\" as intended"
+		ret=1
+	fi
+	# set up a persistent connection through DNAT to ns2
+	timeout "$timeout" tail -f $TMPFILEIN | ip netns exec "$ns1" socat STDIO tcp:"$vip_ip_port,sourceport=12345" 2> /dev/null &
+	local client1_pid=$!
+	# request from ns1 to vip (DNAT to ns2) on an existing connection
+	# if we don't read from the pipe the traffic loops forever
+	echo PING2 >> "$TMPFILEIN"
+	sleep 0.5
+	result=$( tail -n 1 "$TMPFILEOUT" )
+	if [ "$result" = "PING2" ] ;then
+		echo "PASS: $testname: ns1 got reply \"$result\" connecting to vip using persistent connection"
+	else
+		echo "ERROR: $testname: ns1 got reply \"$result\" connecting to vip using persistent connection, not \"PING2\" as intended"
+		ret=1
+	fi
+	# request from ns1 to vip (DNAT to ns2)
+	if ! echo PING3 | ip netns exec "$ns1" socat -t 2 -T 2 -u STDIO tcp:"$vip_ip_port" 2> /dev/null; then
+		echo "ERROR: $testname: fail to connect to $vip_ip_port"
+		ret=1
+	fi
+	result=$( tail -n 1 "$TMPFILEOUT" )
+	if [ "$result" == "PING3" ] ;then
+		echo "PASS: $testname: ns1 got reply \"$result\" connecting to vip"
+	else
+		echo "ERROR: $testname: ns1 got reply \"$result\" connecting to vip, not \"PING3\" as intended"
+		ret=1
+	fi
+	# request from ns1 to vip (DNAT to ns2) on an existing connection
+	echo PING4 >> "$TMPFILEIN"
+	sleep 0.5
+	result=$( tail -n 1 "$TMPFILEOUT" )
+	if [ "$result" = "PING4" ] ;then
+		echo "PASS: $testname: ns1 got reply \"$result\" connecting to vip using persistent connection"
+	else
+		echo "ERROR: $testname: ns1 got reply \"$result\" connecting to vip using persistent connection, not \"PING4\" as intended"
+		ret=1
+	fi
+	# add a rule to filter traffic to ns2 ip and port (after DNAT)
+	eval "echo \"$test_rules\"" | ip netns exec "$nsrouter" nft -f /dev/stdin
+	# request from ns1 to ns2 (direct traffic) must work
+	if ! echo PING5 | ip netns exec "$ns1" socat -t 2 -T 2 -u STDIO tcp:"$ns2_ip_port" ; then
+		echo "ERROR: $testname: fail to connect to $ns2_ip_port directly"
+		ret=1
+	fi
+	result=$( tail -n 1 "$TMPFILEOUT" )
+	if [ "$result" == "PING5" ] ;then
+		echo "PASS: $testname: ns1 got reply \"$result\" connecting to ns2"
+	else
+		echo "ERROR: $testname: ns1 got reply \"$result\" connecting to ns2, not \"PING5\" as intended"
+		ret=1
+	fi
+	# request from ns1 to vip (DNAT to ns2)
+	if ! echo PING6 | ip netns exec "$ns1" socat -t 2 -T 2 -u STDIO tcp:"$vip_ip_port" 2> /dev/null ; then
+		echo "PASS: $testname: ns1 connection to vip is closed (ns2)"
+	else
+		echo "ERROR: $testname: ns1 got reply \"$result\" connecting to vip, not \"Connection refused\" as intended"
+		ret=1
+	fi
+	# request from ns1 to vip (DNAT to ns2) on an existing connection
+	echo -e "PING7" >> "$TMPFILEIN"
+	sleep 0.5
+	result=$( tail -n 1 "$TMPFILEOUT" )
+	if [ "$result" == "PING5" ] ; then
+		echo "PASS: $testname: ns1 got no response"
+	else
+		echo "ERROR: $testname: ns1 got reply \"$result\" connecting to vip, persistent connection is not closed as intended"
+		ret=1
+	fi
+	if ! kill -0 "$client1_pid" 2>/dev/null; then
+		echo "PASS: $testname: persistent connection is closed as intended"
+	else
+		echo "ERROR: $testname: persistent connection is not closed as intended"
+		kill $client1_pid 2>/dev/null
+		ret=1
+	fi
+	kill $server2_pid 2>/dev/null
+	rm -f "$TMPFILEIN"
+	rm -f "$TMPFILEOUT"
+if test_ping; then
+	# queue bypass works (rules were skipped, no listener)
+	echo "PASS: ${ns1} can reach ${ns2}"
+	echo "FAIL: ${ns1} cannot reach ${ns2}: $ret" 1>&2
+	exit $ret
+# Define different rule combinations
+declare -A testcases
+testcases["frontend filter"]='
+flush table inet nat
+table inet filter {
+	chain kube-proxy {
+		type filter hook prerouting priority -1; policy accept;
+		$ip_proto daddr $vip tcp dport 8080 reject with tcp reset
+	}
+testcases["backend filter"]='
+table inet filter {
+	chain kube-proxy {
+		type filter hook forward priority -1; policy accept;
+		ct original $ip_proto daddr $ns2_ip accept
+		$ip_proto daddr $ns2_ip tcp dport 8080 reject with tcp reset
+	}
+for testname in "${!testcases[@]}"; do
+	test_conntrack_reject_established "ip" "$testname" "${testcases[$testname]}"
+	test_conntrack_reject_established "ip6" "$testname" "${testcases[$testname]}"
+exit $ret

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