On Tue, Aug 02, 2022 at 02:14:29PM -0400, Mark Mentovai wrote: [...] > > The context here is in OpenWrt, > https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/commit/beeb49740bb4. The use of /bin/bash > is a problem during a cross build of libmnl, with a build system running > macOS or BSD. /bin/bash on macOS is an unsuitably old version, and the > OpenWrt build ensures that a recent bash is available in PATH. BSD > derivatives tend not to have /bin/bash at all, although bash may be present > elsewhere in PATH. Again, the OpenWrt build ensures this. > > I would not expect the same treatment to be strictly necessary for scripts > like libnetfilter_queue or libnetfilter_log, which run on the target system, > but the reliance on /bin/bash is a problem for cross builds and in > particular non-Linux build systems. Considering that these cross builds are > otherwise perfectly clean given an appropriate toolchain, it seems > unnecessary to leave them broken for something like this, when a simple > reliance on locating bash via PATH ought to suffice for everyone. > > Mark Good enough for me - I acked the original patch. Cheers ... Duncan.