[PATCH libnetfilter_queue] build: doc: Fix man pages

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- Split off and expand shell script from within doxygen/Makefile.am
  The addition is a man page post-processor. It does the following:
  - If there is a "Modules" section, delete it
  - If "Detailed Description" is empty, delete "Detailed Description" line
  - Reposition SYNOPSIS (with headers that we inserted) to start of page,
    integrating with defined functions to look like other man pages
  - Delete all "Definition at line nnn" lines
  - Delete lines that make older versions of man o/p an unwanted blank line
  For better readability, shell function definitions are separated by blank
  lines, and there is a bit of annotation.
- Avoid having to special-case `make distcheck` in doxygen/Makefile.am:
  - Move doxygen.cfg.in to doxygen/
  - Tell doxygen.cfg.in where the sources are
  - Let doxygen.cfg.in default its output to CWD
  - In Makefile, `doxygen doxygen.cfg` "just works"
- Fix VPATH builds (e.g. mkdir build; cd build; ../configure; make). Also
  ensure `make distcleancheck` passes (VPATH builds only).
- Allow to specify whether to produce man pages, html, neither or both.
  - configure --help lists non-default documentation options.
    Looking around the web, this seemed to me to be what most projects do.
    Listed options are --without-doxygen, --enable-html-doc &
  - configure warns on inconsistent options e.g. --without-doxygen by itself
    warns man pages will not be built.
  - configure.ac re-ordered so --without-doxygen overrides --enable-any-doc.
  If html is requested, `make install` installs it in htmldir.

Signed-off-by: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 configure.ac                             |  45 ++++-
 doxygen/Makefile.am                      |  59 ++----
 doxygen/build_man.sh                     | 219 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 doxygen.cfg.in => doxygen/doxygen.cfg.in |   6 +-
 4 files changed, 275 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 doxygen/build_man.sh
 rename doxygen.cfg.in => doxygen/doxygen.cfg.in (87%)

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 0fe754c..a4fb629 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -13,6 +13,35 @@ m4_ifdef([AM_PROG_AR], [AM_PROG_AR])
 dnl kernel style compile messages
 m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])])
+dnl Must check for --without-doxygen before  checking --enable-*
+AC_ARG_WITH([doxygen], [AS_HELP_STRING([--without-doxygen],
+	    [Don't run doxygen (to create documentation)])],
+	    [with_doxygen="$withval"], [with_doxygen=yes])
+	      AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-html-doc], [Enable html documentation]),
+	      [], [enable_html_doc=no])
+AS_IF([test "$with_doxygen" = no -a "$enable_html_doc" = yes], [
+	AC_MSG_WARN([Doxygen disabled - html documentation will not be built])
+	enable_html_doc=no
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_HTML], [test "$enable_html_doc" = yes])
+AS_IF([test "$enable_html_doc" = yes],
+	      AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-man-pages], [Disable man page documentation]),
+	      [], [enable_man_pages=yes])
+AS_IF([test "$with_doxygen" = no -a "$enable_man_pages" = yes], [
+	AC_MSG_WARN([Doxygen disabled - man pages will not be built])
+	enable_man_pages=no
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_MAN], [test "$enable_man_pages" = yes])
+AS_IF([test "$enable_man_pages" = yes],
@@ -31,14 +60,12 @@ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBMNL], [libmnl >= 1.0.3])
 dnl Output the makefiles
 AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile utils/Makefile examples/Makefile
-        libnetfilter_queue.pc doxygen.cfg
+	libnetfilter_queue.pc
 	include/Makefile include/libnetfilter_queue/Makefile
-	doxygen/Makefile
+	doxygen/Makefile doxygen/doxygen.cfg
 	include/linux/Makefile include/linux/netfilter/Makefile])
-AC_ARG_WITH([doxygen], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-doxygen],
-	    [create doxygen documentation])],
-	    [with_doxygen="$withval"], [with_doxygen=yes])
+AS_IF([test "$enable_man_pages" = no -a "$enable_html_doc" = no], [with_doxygen=no])
 AS_IF([test "x$with_doxygen" != xno], [
 	AC_CHECK_PROGS([DOXYGEN], [doxygen])
@@ -52,12 +79,16 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_DOXYGEN], [test -n "$DOXYGEN"])
 AS_IF([test "x$DOXYGEN" = x], [
 	AS_IF([test "x$with_doxygen" != xno], [
 		dnl Only run doxygen Makefile if doxygen installed
-		AC_MSG_WARN([Doxygen not found - continuing without Doxygen support])
+		AC_MSG_WARN([Doxygen not found - no documentation will be built])
+		enable_html_doc=no
+		enable_man_pages=no
 echo "
 libnetfilter_queue configuration:
-  doxygen:                      ${with_doxygen}"
+  doxygen:                      ${with_doxygen}
+man pages:                      ${enable_man_pages}
+html docs:                      ${enable_html_doc}"
diff --git a/doxygen/Makefile.am b/doxygen/Makefile.am
index 29078de..5235f78 100644
--- a/doxygen/Makefile.am
+++ b/doxygen/Makefile.am
@@ -4,49 +4,11 @@ doc_srcs = $(shell find $(top_srcdir)/src -name '*.c')
 doxyfile.stamp: $(doc_srcs) Makefile.am
 	rm -rf html man
+	doxygen doxygen.cfg >/dev/null
-# Test for running under make distcheck.
-# If so, sibling src directory will be empty:
-# move it out of the way and symlink the real one while we run doxygen.
-	[ -f ../src/Makefile.in ] || \
-{ set -x; cd ..; mv src src.distcheck; ln -s $(top_srcdir)/src; }
-	cd ..; doxygen doxygen.cfg >/dev/null
-	[ ! -d ../src.distcheck ] || \
-{ set -x; cd ..; rm src; mv src.distcheck src; }
-# We need to use bash for its associative array facility
-# (`bash -p` prevents import of functions from the environment).
-# The command has to be a single line so the functions work
-# and so `make` gives all lines to `bash -c`
-# (hence ";\" at the end of every line but the last).
-	/bin/bash -p -c 'declare -A renamed_page;\
-main(){ set -e; cd man/man3; rm -f _*;\
-  count_real_pages;\
-  rename_real_pages;\
-  make_symlinks;\
-count_real_pages(){ page_count=0;\
-  for i in $$(ls -S);\
-  do head -n1 $$i | grep -E -q '^\.so' && break;\
-    page_count=$$(($$page_count + 1));\
-  done;\
-  first_link=$$(($$page_count + 1));\
-rename_real_pages(){ for i in $$(ls -S | head -n$$page_count);\
-  do for j in $$(ls -S | tail -n+$$first_link);\
-    do grep -E -q $$i$$ $$j && break;\
-    done;\
-    mv -f $$i $$j;\
-    renamed_page[$$i]=$$j;\
-  done;\
-make_symlinks(){ for j in $$(ls -S | tail -n+$$first_link);\
-  do ln -sf $${renamed_page[$$(cat $$j | cut -f2 -d/)]} $$j;\
-  done;\
+	$(abs_top_srcdir)/doxygen/build_man.sh
 	touch doxyfile.stamp
@@ -54,13 +16,22 @@ CLEANFILES = doxyfile.stamp
 all-local: doxyfile.stamp
-	rm -rf $(top_srcdir)/doxygen/man $(top_srcdir)/doxygen/html
+	rm -rf man html
 	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man3
 	cp --no-dereference --preserve=links,mode,timestamps man/man3/*.3\
+	mkdir  -p $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)
+	cp  --no-dereference --preserve=links,mode,timestamps html/*\
+		$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)
 # make distcheck needs uninstall-local
-	rm -r $(DESTDIR)$(mandir) man html doxyfile.stamp
+	rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(mandir) man html doxyfile.stamp $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)
+EXTRA_DIST = build_man.sh
diff --git a/doxygen/build_man.sh b/doxygen/build_man.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e0cda71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doxygen/build_man.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#!/bin/bash -p
+# Script to process man pages output by doxygen.
+# We need to use bash for its associative array facility.
+# (`bash -p` prevents import of functions from the environment).
+declare -A renamed_page
+  set -e
+  cd man/man3; rm -f _*
+  count_real_pages
+  rename_real_pages
+  make_symlinks
+  post_process
+  page_count=0
+  #
+  # Count "real" man pages (i.e. not generated by MAN_LINKS)
+  # MAN_LINKS pages are 1-liners starting .so
+  # Method: list files in descending order of size,
+  # looking for the first 1-liner
+  #
+  for i in $(ls -S)
+  do head -n1 $i | grep -E -q '^\.so' && break
+    page_count=$(($page_count + 1))
+  done
+  first_link=$(($page_count + 1))
+  for i in $(ls -S | head -n$page_count)
+  do for j in $(ls -S | tail -n+$first_link)
+    do grep -E -q $i$ $j && break
+    done
+    mv -f $i $j
+    renamed_page[$i]=$j
+  done
+  for j in $(ls -S | tail -n+$first_link)
+  do ln -sf ${renamed_page[$(cat $j | cut -f2 -d/)]} $j
+  done
+  make_temp_files
+  #
+  # set -x and restrict processing to keep_me: un-comment to activate
+  # Change keep_me as required
+  #
+  #keep_me=nfq_icmp_get_hdr.3;\
+  #do_diagnostics;\
+  #
+  # Work through the "real" man pages
+  for target in $(ls -S | head -n$page_count)
+  do mygrep "^\\.SH \"Function Documentation" $target
+    # Next file if this isn't a function page
+    [ $linnum -ne 0 ] || continue
+    del_modules
+    del_bogus_synopsis
+    fix_name_line
+    move_synopsis
+    del_empty_det_desc
+    del_def_at_lines
+    fix_double_blanks
+  done
+  remove_temp_files
+  linnum=1
+  #
+  # Older versions of man display a blank line on encountering "\fB\fP";
+  # newer versions of man do not.
+  # doxygen emits "\fB\fP" on seeing "\par" on a line by itself.
+  # "\par" gives us double-spacing in the web doc, which we want, but double-
+  # spacing looks odd in a man page so remove "\fB\fP".
+  #
+  while [ $linnum -ne 0 ]
+  do mygrep \\\\fB\\\\fP $target
+    [ $linnum -eq 0 ] || delete_lines $linnum $linnum
+  done
+  linnum=1
+  while [ $linnum -ne 0 ]
+  do mygrep "^Definition at line [[:digit:]]* of file" $target
+    [ $linnum -eq 0 ] || delete_lines $(($linnum - 1)) $linnum
+  done
+# Only invoked if you un-comment the 2 diagnostic / development lines above
+  mv $keep_me xxx
+  rm *.3
+  mv xxx $keep_me
+  page_count=1
+  set -x
+  mygrep "^\\.SH \"Function Documentation" $target
+  i=$linnum
+  mygrep "^\\.SH \"Detailed Description" $target
+  [ $linnum -ne 0  ] || return 0
+  [ $(($i - $linnum)) -eq 3 ] || return 0
+  delete_lines $linnum $(($i -1))
+  mygrep "SH SYNOPSIS" $target
+  [ $linnum -ne 0  ] || return 0
+  i=$linnum
+  # If this is a doxygen-created synopsis, leave it.
+  # (We haven't inserted our own one in the source yet)
+  mygrep "^\\.SS \"Functions" $target
+  [ $i -gt $linnum ] || return 0
+  mygrep "^\\.SH \"Function Documentation" $target
+  j=$(($linnum - 1))
+  head -n$(($j - 1)) $target | tail -n$(($linnum - $i - 1)) >$fileC
+  delete_lines $i $j
+  mygrep "^\\.SS \"Functions" $target
+  head -n$(($linnum - 1)) $target >$fileA
+  tail -n+$(($linnum + 1)) $target >$fileB
+  cat $fileA $fileC $fileB >$target
+  all_funcs=""
+  # Search a shortened version of the page in case there are .RI lines later
+  mygrep "^\\.SH \"Function Documentation" $target
+  head -n$linnum $target >$fileC
+  while :
+  do mygrep ^\\.RI $fileC
+    [ $linnum -ne 0 ] || break
+    # Discard this entry
+    tail -n+$(($linnum + 1)) $fileC >$fileB
+    cp $fileB $fileC
+    func=$(cat $fileG | cut -f2 -d\\ | cut -c3-)
+    [ -z "$all_funcs" ] && all_funcs=$func ||\
+      all_funcs="$all_funcs, $func"
+  done
+  # For now, assume name is at line 5
+  head -n4 $target >$fileA
+  desc=$(head -n5 $target | tail -n1 | cut -f3- -d" ")
+  tail -n+6 $target >$fileB
+  cat $fileA >$target
+  echo "$all_funcs \\- $desc" >>$target
+  cat $fileB >>$target
+  mygrep "^\.SS \"Modules" $target
+  [ $linnum -ne 0  ] || return 0
+  i=$linnum
+  mygrep "^\\.SS \"Functions" $target
+  delete_lines $i $(($linnum - 1))
+  mygrep "SH SYNOPSIS" $target
+  #
+  # doxygen 1.8.20 inserts its own SYNOPSIS line but there is no mention
+  # in the documentation or git log what to do with it.
+  # So get rid of it
+  #
+  [ $linnum -ne 0  ] || return 0
+  i=$linnum
+  # Look for the next one
+  tail -n+$(($i + 1)) $target >$fileC;\
+  mygrep "SH SYNOPSIS" $fileC
+  [ $linnum -ne 0  ] || return 0
+  mygrep "^\\.SS \"Functions" $target
+  delete_lines $i $(($linnum - 1))
+# Delete lines $1 through $2 from $target
+  head -n$(($1 - 1)) $target >$fileA
+  tail -n+$(($2 +1)) $target >$fileB
+  cat $fileA $fileB >$target
+  set +e
+  grep -En "$1" $2 2>/dev/null >$fileH
+  [ $? -ne 0 ] && linnum=0 ||\
+    { head -n1 $fileH >$fileG; linnum=$(cat $fileG | cut -f1 -d:); }
+  set -e
+  temps="A B C G H"
+  for i in $temps
+  do declare -g file$i=$(mktemp)
+  done
+  for i in $temps
+  do j=file$i
+    rm ${!j}
+  done
diff --git a/doxygen.cfg.in b/doxygen/doxygen.cfg.in
similarity index 87%
rename from doxygen.cfg.in
rename to doxygen/doxygen.cfg.in
index 266782e..14bd0cf 100644
--- a/doxygen.cfg.in
+++ b/doxygen/doxygen.cfg.in
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 # Difference with default Doxyfile 1.8.20
-OUTPUT_DIRECTORY       = doxygen
 TAB_SIZE               = 8
-INPUT                  = .
+INPUT                  = @abs_top_srcdir@/src
 FILE_PATTERNS          = *.c
 RECURSIVE              = YES
@@ -22,7 +21,8 @@ ALPHABETICAL_INDEX     = NO
 SEARCHENGINE           = NO
 LATEX_CMD_NAME         = latex
-GENERATE_MAN           = YES
+GENERATE_MAN           = @GEN_MAN@
 MAN_LINKS              = YES
 HAVE_DOT               = @HAVE_DOT@

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