Re: How to modify conntrack accounting?

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On 03/04/2013 10:05, Eric Leblond wrote:

Thanks - I really need the raw conntrack detail so that I can do my own
aggregations (its quite a complex requirement for accounting)

Apologies for the ATM assumptions.  OK, ATM works by encapsulating the
data into small fixed sized packets of 48 bytes with a 5 byte header.
So for example if you send a 1000 byte IP packet then it will consume 21
ATM cells, which means a total bandwidth you pay for of 21 x (48+5) =
1,113 bytes.   Annoyingly even the last (part filled) packet still has
to be 48 bytes, plus you have that 5 byte header on each packet.

The above is how ADSL connections work, and why using standard QOS fails
to work as expected when you have a bunch of small packets (ATM
bandwidth becomes large compared with IP bandwidth).
OK that is what I was fearing. You want to do ATM accounting at the IP
level ;)

Actually, although others probably want this, my requirements are very slightly different. I have to account for charged bandwidth over an (expensive) satellite network, the specification is a bit peculiar, but I suspect that it's a type of MLPPP (same basic scenario though, cells of xx bytes with a y byte overhead)

You said you want a per-interface accounting but conntrack is not
interface aware.

Yes, so I need to tag my flows in some way that conntrack can see.

So a better solution may be to update nfacct modue to
increment counter with ATM-rounded value at each packet. Given the type
of patch this will require, it should be easy to maintain other time.
This will provide a more performant and easy to use framework.

OK, can I run the larger requirements past you because I like the idea of nfacct, but unsure that it will do what I desire

- I have a router with multiple internet connections. Could be anything, but lets assume we have 1) wifi to the internet, 2) 3G datacard (cellular) and 3) a relatively expensive satellite link. - Customer is mobile so any of the above may work and roughly they will want to choose the cheapest wherever they are - We provide a web interface which allows the customer to indicate a route preference and after that we use forced routing to put all the customers data out of the correct internet connection (interestingly this means two clients can use different internet connections at the same time, there is not a single primary internet connection at any moment)

- For now I need to log bandwidth consumed during a session (start/end time) using the tuple (customer, inet), IP/MAC+Time will be good enough to identify the customer for this scenario. This will be dumped into some radius accounting server. - We will need interim updates on bandwidth consumed during a session in order to implement access control such that if the user exceeds xxMB or so much time online, etc. - In the future we require more detailed bandwidth breakdown, eg we can plot some pretty graphs of usage by customer / protocol / inet choice / time. Essentially we want to be able to show that "bob" was surfing facebook during his lunchbreak, over the expensive satellite connection.

Conntrack accounting gives me fairly close to the flows I want (seems to drop a few ICMP packets, but ...). What I need is to be able to adjust for the services where we have some funny accounting due to being rounded into "cells". It's not quite close enough to just guess.

I updated the nDPI module a month or so back to give some L7 capabilities to the kernel. However, its a bit icky and I'm still not sure how to approach proper integration there though: - I think I can see how to extend conntrack so that nDPI netfilter can store it's tracking info in the conntrack. This means we can tag all connections with L7 info. However, I haven't figured out how to extend this to userspace so that it's emitted as part of the connection accounting info? - Also nDPI is moving in the direction of being extremely flexible and emitting full info about a flow, eg "this is an HTTPS connection with a cert for". So now I'm thinking that the netfilter integration should instead match the connection but emit the details of that match through nflog? After all the design of nDPI is to categorise a connection and once categorised that's the end of it, no point dragging around that info in kernel space - Alternatively we could leave all connection marking to userspace, ie the netfilter module could match packets and based on that I tag the flow with some connmark or assign it to pfacct category?

So, in theory how well would pfacct handle the situation of:

Separate accounting bin for:
- Source IP (either class C or possibly class B)
- Output inet interface (up to 32 of them) - this changes the byte counting forumula
- L7 protocol used (up to 255)

I have a captive portal which notices users arriving and so some of the above can be build dynamically, however, I'm trying to build everything such that it's setup once at boot and stays static thereafter

Could I trouble you for your thoughts please?

By the way, if you want consulting time, I've got some available ;)

Sure - I'm interested


Ed W
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