NASA Selects Next Class of Student Ambassadors

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March 14, 2012

Ann Marie Trotta 
Headquarters, Washington 

RELEASE: 12-084


WASHINGTON -- NASA recently inducted 100 high-performing interns into 
the 2012 NASA Student Ambassadors Virtual Community. Their selection 
is part of the agency's effort to engage undergraduate and graduate 
students in science, engineering, mathematics and technology, or 
STEM, research and interactive opportunities. This fourth group of 
student ambassadors, known as Cohort IV, includes interns from 34 
states and 73 universities. 

"Congratulations Cohort IV on your selection to the NASA Student 
Ambassadors," said Leland Melvin, associate administrator for 
education at NASA Headquarters. "We are proud of your commitment to 
excellence and your spirit of 'paying it forward.' Being selected for 
this prestigious group is an honor, and your creativity and 
innovation will help NASA inspire the STEM workforce of the future 
and the next generation of explorers." 

Members of this virtual community will interact with NASA personnel, 
share information, make vital professional connections, collaborate 
with peers, represent NASA in a variety of venues, and help inspire 
and engage future interns. Through the community's website, 
participants access tools needed to serve as a student ambassador, 
blog, announcements, member profiles, forums, polls, and career 

NASA managers and mentors nominated the recipients from hundreds of 
current interns and fellows across the agency. NASA's internships are 
among the most exciting research and educational opportunities 
available to college students. This online initiative also serves as 
a vehicle for recognizing outstanding student contributions. The 
community elevates the visibility and contribution of the 
ambassadors, providing increased involvement with the agency's 
exploration and STEM education missions. 

"The NASA Student Ambassadors Virtual Community serves as an outreach 
vehicle to the nation's students and is an effective way to engage 
exceptional Gen-Y students," added Mabel J. Matthews, NASA's higher 
education manager. "This innovative activity is important to helping 
the agency attract, engage, educate and employ future scientists and 

For more information about the NASA Student Ambassadors Virtual 
Community and to see an interactive U.S. map containing the names and 
schools of the 2012 Cohort IV participants, visit: 

For more information about education at NASA, visit: 


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