NASA Explorer Schools Symposium Showcases Student Research

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April 27, 2011

Ann Marie Trotta 
Headquarters, Washington 

Tracy Young 
Kennedy Space Center, Fla. 

RELEASE: 11-127


WASHINGTON -- Students from across the nation will gather at NASA's 
Kennedy Space Center in Florida May 4-7 for the NASA Explorer Schools 
symposium. Future leaders in science, technology, education and math, 
or STEM, will present their work to NASA scientists, engineers, 
fellow students and educators. 

The competitively selected group of fourth through 12th-graders 
consists of 58 students and 29 educators. The various research 
projects were designed to improve teaching and bolster interest in 
STEM disciplines. 

"NASA's mission of research and discovery is a powerful context for 
learning," said NASA Explorer Schools Project manager, Rob LaSalvia. 
"Each year students amaze us with presentations that mirror the work 
of our scientists and engineers." 

The students were required to complete an original investigation 
focused on existing NASA missions or research interests. Participants 
presented their work to experts at virtual regional symposia held 
January through March at NASA centers using the agency's Digital 
Learning Network. 

In addition to presenting their work at the national symposium, 
participants also will learn more about NASA's research activities 
and exploration missions. Students will tour a variety of operational 
facilities at Kennedy, including the space shuttle launch complex. 

The NASA Explorer Schools project offers multiple pathways for 
participation and requires no application process. Teacher 
participants must be a U.S. citizen, have a valid education 
certification as an administrator or educator in a nationally 
accredited education institution within the United States or 
territories, Department of Defense or State Department schools. 

For more information about the NASA Explorer Schools project, visit: 

For more information about NASA's education programs, visit:   


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