NASA Partners with Saudi Arabia on Moon and Asteroid Research

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Dec. 15, 2009

Michael Braukus 
Headquarters, Washington 

Michael Mewhinney 
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. 

RELEASE: 09-284


WASHINGTON -- NASA and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's King Abdulaziz 
City for Science and Technology (KACST) have signed a joint statement 
that allows for collaboration in lunar and asteroid science research. 
The partnership recognizes the Saudi Lunar and Near-Earth Object 
Science Center as an affiliate partner with the NASA Lunar Science 
Institute at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. 

"This collaboration is within the scope of the Memorandum of 
Understanding on Science and Technology signed between the Kingdom of 
Saudi Arabia and the United States of America last year and later 
ratified by the Council of Ministers," said H.H. Dr. Turki Bin Saud 
Bin Mohammed Al-Saud, vice president for Research Institutes, KACST. 
"The international interest in lunar science and, more recently, near 
Earth objects led to the establishment of the Saudi Lunar and Near 
Earth Object Science Center as a focal point for lunar science and 
NEO studies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, we are 
looking forward to our expanding collaboration with NASA for the 
benefit of both countries." 

"NASA's Lunar Science Institute exists to conduct cutting-edge lunar 
science and train the next generation of lunar scientists and 
explorers," said Greg Schmidt, institute deputy director at Ames. 
"Our international partnerships are critical for meeting these 
objectives, and we are very excited by the important science, 
training and education that our new Saudi colleagues bring to the 
NASA Lunar Science Institute." 

"This is an important advance in our growing program of bilateral 
science and technology cooperation," said U.S. Ambassador to Saudi 
Arabia James Smith. "It will help realize President Obama's goal, 
expressed in his June 4 speech to the Muslim world, of increasing our 
cooperation on science and technology, which we believe closely 
corresponds to King Abdullah's vision." 

The Saudi science center's proposal brings technical and engineering 
expertise to advance the broad goals of lunar science at the 
institute. Specific areas of lunar study of both scientific and 
cultural importance include radar and infrared imaging, laser ranging 
and imaging, and topographical studies. The center's studies in 
near-Earth object science also offer important contributions to an 
area of importance to NASA. 

"The Saudi Lunar and Near Earth Object Science Center's primary 
mission is to direct all lunar and near Earth object related research 
within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia," said Dr. Haithem Altwaijry, 
deputy director of the National Satellite Technology Program at 
KACST. "It will reach out to students in addition to researchers and 
present fertile ground for scientific research." 

"NASA welcomes international cooperation for mutual benefit with 
organizations large and small in all regions of the world," said 
Michael O'Brien, assistant administrator for external relations at 
NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Our continuing discussions with 
Saudi Arabian officials may lead to future joint scientific 
collaboration in other areas of mutual interest." 

To learn more about the NASA Lunar Science Institute visit: 


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