NASA Uses Commercial Microgravity Flight Services For First Time

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Sept. 15, 2008

Sonja Alexander 
Headquarters, Washington                                    
RELEASE: 08-232


WASHINGTON -- NASA for the first time last week used microgravity 
research flights aboard commercially-owned aircraft to test hardware 
and technologies. These flights, on an airplane operated by the Zero 
Gravity Corporation, simulated the weightless conditions of space. 

In addition to numerous NASA experiments, five companies sponsored by 
the agency's Innovative Partnerships Program flew experiments aboard 
the reduced-gravity aircraft flights from Ellington Field in Houston. 
The flights were the first in NASA's Facilitated Access to the Space 
Environment for Technology Development and Training program, called 

The companies, which are participating in the Small Business 
Innovation Research program, tested five new technologies Sept. 9-10: 

- Pneumatic mining under lunar gravity conditions (Honeybee Robotics 
of New York) 
- Aircraft sensor-logger operations (Metis Design Corporation of 
Cambridge, Mass.) 
- Microgravity flight testing of self-deploying shells (Mevicon Inc. 
of Sunnyvale, Calif.) 
- Virtual sensor test instrumentation operations (Mobitrum Corporation 
of Silver Spring, Md.) 
- Nanofluid coolant testing (nanoComposix, Inc. of San Diego, Calif.) 

Representatives of the companies were aboard the aircraft to operate 
and evaluate their technologies during the flights, which created 
zero-gravity and lunar-gravity conditions. The technologies will 
improve air and space vehicle capabilities and support the design of 
systems for the exploration of the moon and operations there. 

NASA's contract with the Zero Gravity Corporation of Las Vegas, which 
is managed by NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, is part of 
an effort to expand the agency's use of commercial services. The 
flights were conducted from Ellington Field with the nearby Johnson 
Space Center in Houston providing technical support to the 
participating experimenters 

Weightless conditions are achieved by flying an airplane on a 
parabolic trajectory. A typical flight lasting two hours consists of 
50 parabolas, generating up to 25 seconds of microgravity during each 

Four days of flights originally were scheduled in September, but the 
approach of Hurricane Ike caused those scheduled Sept. 11-12 to be 
suspended. An effort will be made to reschedule the flights in the 
future. NASA's first flights with the Zero Gravity Corporation 
occurred the week of Aug. 25. More flights are planned in October, 
November and January. 

A call for new proposals for FAST program flights in 2009 will be 
issued later this month. It will be open to any companies or 
organizations working on technologies of value to NASA. 

For more information about FAST, visit: 

For more information about NASA and agency programs, visit: 


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