NASA Extends Ares I Development Contract

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Jan. 5, 2007

Michael Braukus/Beth Dickey
Headquarters, Washington

Kim Newton
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.



HUNTSVILLE, Ala. - NASA has authorized a contract action having a 
value of $48 million with ATK Thiokol of Brigham City, Utah, to 
continue design and development of the first stage for the Ares I 
crew launch vehicle. 

Ares I will transport the Orion crew exploration vehicle and its crew 
of up to six astronauts, or other small cargo payloads, to low-Earth 
orbit. The first stage will consist of a single reusable solid rocket 
booster and motor similar to those used on the space shuttle, but 
with a fifth motor segment added. The upper stage will consist of a 
J-2X liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen engine and the associated 
propellant tanks and fuel distribution systems. 

This Ares I first stage contract action will increase a first stage 
task under an existing shuttle contract by $48 million for a total 
work effort valued at $111 million. These activities are a 
preparatory effort leading up to the Ares I first stage prime 
contract, which will be awarded in the February 2007 timeframe. 

The contract action maintains the design, development, test and 
evaluation schedule; expedites the procurement of new nozzle metal 
hardware and production tooling for propellant casting and nozzle 
fabrication; maintains the necessary design and engineering analysis; 
and continues participation in pilot parachute development tests. The 
action also provides support for an initial test flight in the spring 
of 2009 known as Ares I-1 and provides support for Ares I-1 in 
preparation for Preliminary Design Review. The test flight will use a 
simulated fifth segment on the first stage and a simulated upper 

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