International Space Station Status Report: SS07-01

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Jan. 5, 2007

Grey Hautaluoma
Headquarters, Washington

James Hartsfield 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 


HOUSTON - New gear helped the astronauts on the International Space 
Station kick off a new year as they prepared a second 
oxygen-generating system, upgraded soundproofing in the living 
quarters and unpacked supplies delivered just before Christmas by the 
space shuttle.

After a New Year's Day holiday, station Expedition 14 Commander 
Michael Lopez-Alegria and Flight Engineer Suni Williams spent most of 
the week installing the U.S. oxygen generation system activation kit 
in the Destiny laboratory. The parts had been delivered on shuttle 
mission STS-121 in July 2006. The new generator will supplement the 
Russian Elektron oxygen system on the station. The additional oxygen 
generating capacity will be important as the standard station crew 
size increases to six as the complex grows. In their work with the 
new system this week, Lopez-Alegria and Williams installed a hydrogen 
vent valve and power, data and fluid hoses and cables. The system 
will be activated and tested later this year.

Meanwhile Expedition 14 Flight Engineer and cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin 
worked in the Russian segment of the station, where he upgraded 
soundproofing of the ventilation system. Tyurin installed new fans, 
sound-deadening vibration isolators and air ducts with acoustic 
shields to reduce the noise they create.

This morning, Lopez-Alegria and Williams took time out from their work 
to share their mission with a group of students in the fifth through 
eighth grades from the Columbia Explorers Academy. From the Adler 
Planetarium in Chicago the students asked the astronauts about living 
in orbit and the goals of their mission.

Also this week, the crew finished unpacking and stowing supplies 
delivered last month on shuttle mission STS-116, and they marked 
milestones in two laboratory experiments. On Tuesday, Williams set up 
the hardware for the Test of Reaction and Adaptation Capabilities, or 
TRAC investigation. It is a NASA-sponsored experiment jointly managed 
by scientists from Germany and Canada. Crew members' hand and eye 
coordination are tested before, during and after missions. For the 
tests, subjects use a joystick to control a cursor on a computer 
screen and respond to audio and visual stimuli. The experiment 
gathers data about how, and to what extent, the brain adapts to 

Crew members completed the final operations of a biological experiment 
on the impact of varying levels of light and gravity on plant root 
growth. The final images of samples in the European Modular 
Cultivation System were taken and downlinked, and the samples were 
stowed in a freezer for eventual return to Earth.

For more about the crew's activities and station sighting 
opportunities, visit: 


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