NASA Gives 'Go' for Space Shuttle Atlantis' Launch

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Aug. 16, 2006

Katherine Trinidad
Headquarters, Washington

Tracey Young
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

RELEASE: 06-293


NASA senior managers on Wednesday unanimously voted to launch the 
Space Shuttle Atlantis on Aug. 27. Commander Brent Jett and his five 
crewmates are scheduled to lift off at 4:30 p.m. EDT on the STS-115 
mission, which restarts construction of the International Space 

The launch date was announced after the Flight Readiness Review, a 
traditional meeting in which top NASA managers and engineers 
determine whether the shuttle's complex array of equipment, support 
systems and procedures are ready for flight and assess any risks 
associated with the mission. 

"It was an honor to work with this team, a thrill to see another FRR," 
said NASA Administrator Michael Griffin. "It was a great review, and 
I look forward to a great launch." 

"The teams have done a great job of getting us here. We still have 
some minor open work in front of us. We look forward to the return to 
assembly," said Associate Administrator for Space Operations Bill 
Gerstenmaier, who chaired the Flight Readiness Review. 

Joining Commander Jett aboard shuttle Atlantis will be Pilot Chris 
Ferguson, mission specialists Joe Tanner, Dan Burbank, Heide 
Stefanyshyn-Piper and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Steve MacLean. 

The crew will install the P3/P4 truss, a girder-like structure, aboard 
the station. The new piece will include a set of giant solar arrays, 
batteries and associated electronics. There will be three spacewalks 
to hook up the truss and prepare the arrays for operation. 

For STS-115 crew and mission information, visit:


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