NASA Names Worden New Ames Center Director

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April 21, 2006

David Mould/Jason Sharp
Headquarters, Washington
(202) 358-1600/1400 

RELEASE: 06-193


NASA Administrator Michael Griffin announced Friday that Simon P. 
"Pete" Worden will be the next director of NASA's Ames Research 
Center at Moffet Field, Calif. Worden, a retired U.S. Air Force 
brigadier general, is a research professor of astronomy at the 
University of Arizona, Tucson. 

Ames Research Center is located in California's Silicon Valley at the 
core of the research cluster of high-tech companies, universities and 
laboratories that define the region's character. With more than $3 
billion in capital equipment, 2,500 research personnel and an 
approximately $600 million annual budget, Ames has a significant 
economic impact in the region.

During his Air Force service, Worden held director and deputy director 
level positions with the Air Force Space Command, where he was 
responsible for developing new programs, including next generation 
launch concepts. He also was commander of the 50th Space Wing, U.S. 
Air Force Space Command. He also served as 2nd deputy for technology 
with the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, where he received 
the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal for directing the 1994 
Clementine lunar probe mission. 

Worden holds a bachelor's degree in astronomy from the University of 
Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a doctorate in astronomy from the University 
of Arizona.

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