This problem has been reported in the smplayer forum. It seems after the installation of Windows Media Player 11, mplayer has problems playing files which need the wmsdmod.dll codec. There's audio but there's no video. I have installed the mplayer binary codecs and wmsdmod.dll does exist. The problem can be reproduced for example with this file: (Attached log) I don't know, I guess mplayer tries to use the wmsdmod.dll in \windows\system32, but now it fails. Is there any way to force mplayer to use only the codecs from the mplayer\codecs directory? -- RVM -------------- next part -------------- > mplayer "\Documents and Settings\Ricardo\Mis documentos\Temp\intro_windows.wmv" -v MPlayer Sherpya-SVN-r28311-4.2.5 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team CPU: AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology MK-36 (Family: 15, Model: 76, Stepping: 2) CPUflags: MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1 Compiled with runtime CPU detection. get_path('codecs.conf') -> 'C:/Archivos de programa/SMPlayer/mplayer/mplayer/cod ecs.conf' Reading C:/Archivos de programa/SMPlayer/mplayer/mplayer/codecs.conf: Can't open 'C:/Archivos de programa/SMPlayer/mplayer/mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory Reading /usr/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf: Can't open '/usr/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory Using built-in default codecs.conf. Configuration: --prefix=/usr --enable-static --enable-md5sum --enable-menu --dis able-vidix --disable-sdl --enable-caca --enable-gl --enable-matrixview --enable- freetype --enable-png --enable-mng --enable-jpeg --enable-gif --enable-tga --ena ble-mad --enable-tv --enable-theora --disable-dvb --disable-dvbhead --enable-lib amr_nb --enable-libamr_wb --disable-bitmap-font --with-extraincdir=/c/Work/mplay er/live --enable-runtime-cpudetection CommandLine: '\Documents and Settings\Ricardo\Mis documentos\Temp\intro_windows. wmv' '-v' init_freetype Using MMX (with tiny bit MMX2) Optimized OnScreenDisplay get_path('fonts') -> 'C:/Archivos de programa/SMPlayer/mplayer/mplayer/fonts' Using Windows native timing get_path('input.conf') -> 'C:/Archivos de programa/SMPlayer/mplayer/mplayer/inpu t.conf' Parsing input config file C:/Archivos de programa/SMPlayer/mplayer/mplayer/input .conf Input config file C:/Archivos de programa/SMPlayer/mplayer/mplayer/input.conf pa rsed: 89 binds get_path('\Documents and Settings\Ricardo\Mis documentos\Temp\intro_windows.wmv. conf') -> 'C:/Archivos de programa/SMPlayer/mplayer/mplayer/\Documents and Setti ngs\Ricardo\Mis documentos\Temp\intro_windows.wmv.conf' Playing \Documents and Settings\Ricardo\Mis documentos\Temp\intro_windows.wmv. get_path('sub/') -> 'C:/Archivos de programa/SMPlayer/mplayer/mplayer/sub/' WINSOCK2 init: 0 WINSOCK2 init: 0 [file] File size is 1873962 bytes STREAM: [file] \Documents and Settings\Ricardo\Mis documentos\Temp\intro_windows .wmv STREAM: Description: File STREAM: Author: Albeu STREAM: Comment: based on the code from ??? (probably Arpi) LAVF_check: ASF format Checking for YUV4MPEG2 ASF file format detected. stream type: guid_audio_stream stream concealment: guid_audio_conceal_interleave type: 28 bytes, stream: 8 bytes ID: 1 unk1: 0 unk2: 12AAF0 FILEPOS=0x13CB ==> Found audio stream: 1 [asfheader] Audio stream found, -aid 1 ======= WAVE Format ======= Format Tag: 353 (0x161) Channels: 1 Samplerate: 44100 avg byte/sec: 4006 Block align: 744 bits/sample: 16 cbSize: 10 Unknown extra header dump: [0] [88] [0] [0] [f] [0] [41] [17] [0] [0] ========================================================================== ASF: audio scrambling: 1 x 1 x 744 stream type: guid_video_stream stream concealment: unknown guid 0057fb20-555b-cf11-a8fd00805f5c442b type: 879 bytes, stream: 0 bytes ID: 2 unk1: 0 unk2: 0 FILEPOS=0x143D ==> Found video stream: 2 [asfheader] Video stream found, -vid 2 ======= VIDEO Format ====== biSize 868 biWidth 800 biHeight 548 biPlanes 1 biBitCount 24 biCompression 844321613='MSS2' biSizeImage 0 Unknown extra header dump: [0] [0] [3] [3c] [0] [0] [0] [2] [0] [0] [0] [1] [0] [0] [3] [20] [0] [0] [2] [24] [0] [0] [3] [20] [0] [0] [2] [24] [41] [0] [0] [0] [0] [3] [d0] [90] [0] [0] [0] [0] [40] [40] [0] [0] [40] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0 ] [9] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [1] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [40] [0] [0] [80] [0] [0] [c0] [0] [0] [ff] [0] [40] [0] [0] [40] [40] [0] [40] [80] [0] [40] [c0] [0] [40] [ff] [0] [80] [0] [0] [80] [40] [0] [80] [80] [0] [80] [c0] [0] [80] [ff] [0] [c0] [0] [0] [c0] [40] [0] [c0] [80] [0] [c0] [c0] [0] [c0] [ff] [0] [ff] [0 ] [0] [ff] [40] [0] [ff] [80] [0] [ff] [c0] [0] [ff] [ff] [40] [0] [0] [40] [0] [40] [40] [0] [80] [40] [0] [c0] [40] [0] [ff] [40] [40] [0] [40] [40] [40] [40] [40] [80] [40] [40] [c0] [40] [40] [ff] [40] [80] [0] [40] [80] [40] [40] [80] [80] [40] [80] [c0] [40] [80] [ff] [40] [c0] [0] [40] [c0] [40] [40] [c0] [80] [ 40] [c0] [c0] [40] [c0] [ff] [40] [ff] [0] [40] [ff] [40] [40] [ff] [80] [40] [f f] [c0] [40] [ff] [ff] [80] [0] 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[0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] =========================== ASF: packets: 1293 flags: 2 max_packet_size: 1444 min_packet_size: 1444 max_ bitrate: 295290 preroll: 3000 ============ ASF Stream group == START === stream count=[0x2][2] stream id=[0x1][1] max bitrate=[0x8947][35143] stream id=[0x2][2] max bitrate=[0x3f833][260147] ============ ASF Stream group == END === Found movie at 0x1804 - 0x1C9558 ASF: 1 audio and 1 video streams found Auto-selected ASF video ID = 2 ASF: Searching for audio stream (id:-1). Auto-selected ASF audio ID = 1 VIDEO: [MSS2] 800x548 24bpp 1000.000 fps 250.0 kbps (30.5 kbyte/s) [V] filefmt:6 fourcc:0x3253534D size:800x548 fps:1000.000 ftime:=0.0010 get_path('sub/') -> 'C:/Archivos de programa/SMPlayer/mplayer/mplayer/sub/' <vo_directx><INFO>checking primary surface <vo_directx><FORMAT PRIMARY>14 BGR32 supported <vo_directx><INFO>testing supported overlay pixelformats <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>0 YV12 supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>1 I420 not supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>2 IYUV not supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>3 YVU9 supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>4 YUY2 supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>5 UYVY supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>6 BGR8 not supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>7 RGB15 supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>8 BGR15 supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>9 RGB16 supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>10 BGR16 supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>11 RGB24 not supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>12 BGR24 not supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>13 RGB32 supported <vo_directx><FORMAT OVERLAY>14 BGR32 supported <vo_directx><INFO>Your card supports 10 of 15 overlayformats <vo_directx><INFO>hardware supports overlay ========================================================================== Opening video decoder: [dmo] DMO video codecs IMediaObject ERROR: 00FB40DE no such class object (0x80004001 : -2147467263) Failed to create DMO filter ERROR: Could not open required DirectShow codec wmsdmod.dll. You need to upgrade/install the binary codecs package. Go to VDecoder init failed Cannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x3253534D. Read DOCS/HTML/en/codecs.html! ========================================================================== ========================================================================== Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders dec_audio: Allocating 192000 + 65536 = 257536 bytes for output buffer. FFmpeg's libavcodec audio codec INFO: libavcodec init OK! AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 1 ch, s16le, 32.0 kbit/4.54% (ratio: 4006->88200) Selected audio codec: [ffwmav2] afm: ffmpeg (DivX audio v2 (FFmpeg)) ========================================================================== Building audio filter chain for 44100Hz/1ch/s16le -> 0Hz/0ch/??... [libaf] Adding filter dummy [dummy] Was reinitialized: 44100Hz/1ch/s16le [dummy] Was reinitialized: 44100Hz/1ch/s16le Trying every known audio driver... ao_dsound: Output Devices: 0 Controlador primario de sonido <-- 1 Realtek HD Audio output ao_dsound: DirectSound initialized ao_dsound: Samplerate:44100Hz Channels:1 Format:s16le ao_dsound: Buffersize:88200 bytes (1000 msec) ao_dsound: primary buffer created ao_dsound: secondary (stream)buffer created AO: [dsound] 44100Hz 1ch s16le (2 bytes per sample) AO: Description: Windows DirectSound audio output AO: Author: Gabor Szecsi <deje at> Building audio filter chain for 44100Hz/1ch/s16le -> 44100Hz/1ch/s16le... [dummy] Was reinitialized: 44100Hz/1ch/s16le [dummy] Was reinitialized: 44100Hz/1ch/s16le Video: no video Freeing 7 unused video chunks. Starting playback... Increasing filtered audio buffer size from 0 to 65536 Uninit audio filters...0 (01:49.0) 0.1% [libaf] Removing filter dummy Uninit audio: ffmpeg WINSOCK2 uninit ao_dsound: DirectSound uninitialized Exiting... (Quit)