Recently upgraded system, testing Debian, some video files crash after a minute or 2 of playing. simple output listing here: some files giving problems are .avi, some .mkv. the files previously played fine with mplayer. they still play with fbxine. I can extract the audio and video from the mkv files into seperate files with mkvextract and they play fine, but not if they are merged back together. Someone on irc wondered about the Unsupported PixelFormat -1 in the listing, if i include -vf scale that goes away, but the problem doesn't. -vf spp,scale prevents crashing, but the video is trashed from that point on (audio is fine). Not everything causes the crashes, a DVD seemed to play fine. Most of the files causing problems passed through mencoder at some time. The problem crops up with several video drivers, so I think it really has to do with things at the file/algorithm level. I don't really know, but I suspect some crucial library was not upgraded with everything else. Thanks in advance for any help. I subscribe to the digest, so cc me in responding. Regards, Dallas E. Legan II / legan at / aw585 at ************************************************************************ "Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!" - "At the Mountains of Madness", H.P. Lovecraft - --------------------------------------------- This message was sent using Endymion MailMan.