Hi, I am facing a problem with mplayer. Problem Description: ----------------------------- When I pause and start the next song, mplayer plays the paused song for a second (glitch) and then it plays the next song. How to reproduce the problem: ----------------------------------------- 1. Create the playlist (two songs) 2. Start playing the first song 3. Pause the current song 4. Play the next song in the playlist. Mplayer plays the first song for second and then plays the second song. When I saw the logs it calls alsa_resume() even though user presses the next song. That's the reason it plays for a second before it actually starts a second song. Question is: is there a patch for this? If so please send me. Regards, Yarri ______________________________________________________________________ DSP Group, Inc. automatically scans all emails and attachments using MessageLabs Email Security System. _____________________________________________________________________