Charlie Gunyon <charles.gunyon <at>> writes: > Hi Carl. Sorry I didn't mean to top-post, I thought that meant> 'replying to a post earlier in the thread', not 'putting text in the> top of a post'. Hopefully this one is less rude :) Now please learn how to trim your quotes - the information that my mail wasposted on MPlayer-users is probably irrelevant for your answer. > Anyhow yes, -mc 1 and -demuxer lavf -nocorrect-pts works for the> sample there but it's seriously low bitrate. I've uploaded a> different sample in Matroska (still h264 and AC3) with a higher> bitrate at Note that the important difference between your first sample and this one is notthe bit-rate but the container.For MPEG transport streams, the native demuxer (demuxer mpegts) andnocorrect-pts are default (correct-pts is always default for demuxer lavf), formatroska files, demuxer lavf is default, and correct-pts is (also) default forthe native demuxer (demuxer mkv).You already know that correct-pts is bad for PAFF, so you always neednocorrect-pts for PAFF in matroska. You also know that while some PAFF samples(like the ones you uploaded) do not need mc 1 with demuxer lavf, it is oftenneeded and does not hurt very much.Conclusion:The Matroska sample you uploaded plays fine with -nocorrect-pts -mc 1, no matterwhich vo or which demuxer I use (and, naturally, it also plays fine with -vcffh264vdpau since it is not a 60 fps sample no matter what MPlayer's outputsays). It also plays fine for me with -demuxer lavf -nocorrect-pts (this is,again, not true for all PAFF samples).Since you did not post complete, uncut output of your mplayer command (includingyour command line), I can only guess that your system _is_ too slow for softwaredecoding if you get this message. > - mplayer -vo xv -mc 1 -demuxer lavf -nocorrect-pts tv.mkv (SLOW message)> - mplayer -vo xv -mc 1 tv.mkv (A-V desync)> - mplayer -vo xv -demuxer lavf -nocorrect-pts tv.mkv (SLOW message) > - mplayer -vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau -mc 1 -demuxer lavf -nocorrect-pts> tv.mkv (SLOW message and A-V desync) Are you sure? Could this be a problem with a too low refresh rate of yourscreen? Did you test export VDPAU_NVIDIA_NO_OVERLAY=1?I will test with my Pentium III 500, but that will take some time. > - mplayer -vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau -mc 1 tv.mkv (same)> - mplayer -vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau -demuxer lavf -nocorrect-pts tv.mkv (same)> > Note that none of these are doing any deinterlacing. De-interlacing of 1080 streams is always expensive, no matter if done in CPU orGPU. It is not possible (for deint>1) on my PCI-E G98, but I will not protest:On a range from €22,60 to €500, my card is around €26, so I cannot expect it tode-interlace every stream (without dropping frames). > I tried the following options:> > mplayer -vo vdpau:deint=4 -vc ffh264vdpau -mc 1 -demuxer lavf> -nocorrect-pts -lavdopts skipframe=nonref tv.mkv> > And I avoided the SLOW message and A-V desyncs, but playback was quite> choppy. I assume this is due to 'skipframe=nonref' but if this is the> result I don't see it as a solution. I tried to say it before: You cannot ask the system to drop as many frames aspossible and complain about dropping frames. Carl Eugen(E8400, 8400 GS G98, 1920x1200@85) _______________________________________________MPlayer-users mailing listMPlayer-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://