MHR <mhullrich <at>> writes: > My video is a 1680x1050 22" monitor, if that matters. > > My question is: Yes, I know this is not the most current revision of > MPlayer - it is, last I checked, the most recent revision available > from rpmforge, which is my #1 resource for non-distro apps. So, instead of you doing svn co svn:// mplayer && cd mplayer && ./configure && make (Sould not take more than 10 minutes on a sse2 cpu, I never install mplayer), we should try to guess if your problem was solved? > Is this something that has been fixed in a more recent revision? Yes, -monitorpixelaspect 1 is default since quite some time. Carl Eugen _______________________________________________ MPlayer-users mailing list MPlayer-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx