shacky pisze:
At the minimum, you should use rc2, which is still well over a year old>> now. Preferably, you should use the latest source code from SVN.> > Ok, now I'm installing rc2, I can't use the latest from SVN because it> is not compatible with MediaShareSuite.> >> Your version of X264 (or, at least, the corresponding development>> headers) does not match the version which that particular version of>> MPlayer requires. Either use a version of the MPlayer source which works>> with the version of X264 which you have available, or install a version>> fo X264 which works with the version of the MPlayer source you are>> trying to compile.> > Could you tell me what is the correct version of X264 for Mplayer> 1.0rc2, please?
It's simple dear Watson. Since MPlayer 1.0rc2 is from October 8, 2007 then you should look for x264 from or before 8 october 2007... there you have, a daily snapshot from October 8, 2007: -- Krzysztof 'DK75' DuchnowskiGetFirefox - UTF-8 dla czytników - mailing listMPlayer-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://