El S?bado, 22 de Noviembre de 2008 09:29, Reimar D?ffinger escribi?: > On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 01:46:30AM +0100, RVM wrote: > > BTW, it seems there's also a similar problem with x11. Actually it seems > > to be an old problem, it's even present in mplayer 1.0rc1. > > > > When using -wid and x11 as vo, the video displayed by mplayer doesn't > > always fill the -wid window, it draws the video keeping the aspect ratio > > of the video, leaving unpainting areas. This doesn't happen with the > > rests of vo's (xv, gl, directx...). > > That is a completely different issue, x11 does not provide hardware > scaling, so you must enable software scaling with -zoom. I'm already using the -zoom option, and the video scales. That's not the problem. > x11 actually does _not_ keep aspect, try -aspect 3 and you will see it > actually keeps the original resolution, not the aspect-scaled one. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but that's not what I got. For me it always keeps the aspect, either the original aspect of the video or the aspect set with -aspect. If I use -aspect 3 (or any other value) the video is displayed with that specified aspect, and it keeps that aspect all the time. At least that's what I'm seeing in smplayer. All the other vos always fill completely the window passed to mplayer with -wid, ignoring the aspect ratio of the video, or the aspect set with -aspect. Actually smplayer relies on it for the aspect ratio options. smplayer manages the aspect ratio by itself. So if the user is playing a 16:9 video and select the option to change it to 16:10, smplayer resizes the -wid window accordingly for a 16:10 aspect, and mplayer fills all that window with the video, so the video is actually 16:10. But this doesn't work with x11, the video is still displayed using a 16:9 aspect. In this screenshot there's a 16:9 video, but I selected (in the smplayer menus) to be displayed at 2.35:1. I changed the background color of the -wid window to yellow so it can be seen where it is. You can see that the video is kept at 16:9, leaving the borders unpainted, but I think it should have stretched to fill all the -wid window: http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/6677/screenshot4pu9.jpg And this is the same but using gl instead of x11. It actually displays the video with an aspect of 2:35:1: http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/8364/screenshot5ej0.jpg xv, gl, directx... all behaves the same, except x11. BTW, I'm using MPlayer SVN r27978. The options passed to mplayer are -nokeepaspect and -zoom. -- RVM