On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 3:23 AM, Phil_Rhodes at rocketmail.com <phil_rhodes at rocketmail.com> wrote: >>> VLC is a very good windows program, that is for sure. > > Can't agree. VLC has strange performance issues and glitches with subtitles. The point is that vlc appears to be more actively maintained since there is a recent release (08-Oct-2008), whereas mplayer was last "updated" almost a year ago ("07-Nov-2007") The user doesn't see that work is done in svn. The user just sees: Oh, no release for such a long time, must have become outdated, I better take the player that is actively maintained/being worked on. > I suppose you can't have everything... Guess so. But I for myself really don't understand why there is so much rejection against publishing a new tarball. I mean: You don't want users report bugs with old versions. Users don't want to checkout the code themselves, they prefer tarballs or at least would love to have some tag to checkout with (instead of using trunk). You also say that making a release is too much work., but I bet by the time you have been arguing against a new release, you would have been able to prepare on just as easily.