Hi, I work with microcontrollers, (8051, 68hc11, avr, pic, arm based, real time programs) and I have some DSL-500t (dlink) boards, that I want to use as development boards, loading and running some C programs on it board and debugging with the JTAG port.
1- How do I find some information of how to find some .h headers for the i/o's and serial? (i/o register address locations)
2-How did I "upload" the program to the flash? The JTAG pinout I found, I need the software name.
3-Which format did I use on this file? (.bin/intel hex/motorola hex, special?)
-All these questions are whitout the linux kernel!, running the program without any operating system.
I work with C on PIC, 8051, AVR and ARM7TDMI, where there's a lot of information for how to do these tasks, if you can help please email me.
Thanks so much!
Arao H. F.