Hello, I wrote:
Atsushi Nemoto wrote:
The whole idea of using such timer as TX39 has for both generating the interrupts and as a clocksource was wrong, I'm afraid. You only can use a something similar to the MIPS counter which doesn't ever get auto-reloaded for both purposes at once.
Sure, we can do this improvement and it would be a right direction. But for now I just want to get previous facility back again. And anyway I think someone who still have interest on this platform should make it buildable and bootable before further improvement ;-)
Frankly, I'm sowewhat doubtful about TX39 timer code being sane at all since it doesn't clear the timer interrupt -- it clearly should override mips_timer_ack() and it doesn't! OTOH, it was working in 2.4 without this somehow... I'm puzzled since with the interrupt not being cleared anywhere jmr3927_do_gettimeoffset() should be returning complete crap once the frist interupt happens, i.e. only be jiffy-precise. Why it doesn't get the interrupt flood I don't know or contrarywise, no further interrupts after the first one, I don't know... :-/
Ah, they put it into jmp3927_irq_ack(). Crap! :-/
--- Atsushi Nemoto
WBR, Sergei