As you may have noticed, the good old linux-cvs and linux-cvs-patches mailing lists haven't received any postings since I converted the MIPS kernel repository to git. I now have the necessary bits and pieces in places to resume the same kind of notifications with git. I'm therefore going to rename the two lists to linux-git rsp. linux-git-patches and will have the notification catch up on postings that were not sent out due since the conversion. If you were subscribed to linux-cvs or linux-cvs-patches you will be subscribed to the new list; there is nothing you will have to do. As candy for procmail users the list has headers that looks like: X-Git-Branch: master, X-Git-Branch: linux-2.4 etc. which can be used to sort email. As an implmentation choice I decieded to aggregate all commits merge from into a single mail rather than a large number of individual mails, so it's going to be easier to follow what's really going on on In case you care about all the details of the changesets from as well I suggest you subscribe via majordomo to either git-commits-head@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to follow 2.6 development or git-commits-24@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for the 2.4 development. Ralf