hi, I was trying to measure the UDP reception speed on my borad which has MIPS 4kc processor with 133 MHZ speed.I was transfering 10mb file from intel pentium 4 machine to MIPS board,but the recieved file was only 900kB. When i further investigated the problem ,i came to know that the user application was not getting enough opportunities to get data from socket queue which caused almost 80% of packets to be dropped as socket queue had no free space. When i increased the socket recieve buffer size,it resulted in increase in no. of packets recieved .When i slow slowed down the transmitter , it also caused more packets to be recieved. But the above mentioned mechanism only decreased no. of lost packets.But there was no way that i could increase UDP reception speed because the user application was not getting enough opportunities to read packets in burst of UDP packets. I noticed that user application started recieveing packets after Kernel had recieved all the UDP packets. Please tell me how can i make sure that user application or udp client running MIPS 4kc processor gets enough opportunities to dequeue packets from socket buffer so that lost of packets could be reduced to minimal and also the size of UDP recieved file in a specific interval of time could be increased. lhrkernelcoder