Hello! Ok i´ll describe first my hardware. It´s a small DSL-Router with the following hardware: Its a variant of the AR7-Variante TNETD7300(A)GDW in it is a MIPS 4KEc Processor communicationsprocessor (TI DSP) for ADSL interface USB slave interface GPIO-Ports and Ethernet also a 4MB flash memory and a 32MB SDRAM module OK now the problem: on the router is a small BusyBox linux and I don´t want to change that now. But I would like to compile some files like a small webserver or an ftp programm for the router. Now my question, is it possible to compile a programm for the router by example on an normal PC(i386)??? What do I need to compile the software so that it runs under the linux system of the router?? Many questions but I hope some one could help me. Greets Maruu -- NEU +++ DSL Komplett von GMX +++ http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl GMX DSL-Netzanschluss + Tarif zum supergünstigen Komplett-Preis!