from a tftp-server or serial conenction on the board. If there isn't any bootloader
on the board you have to flash one on your board. This should normally be provided
with the board (which one do you have?).
Ejtag: The pin specification for ejtag should be in the board documentation, normally
it's quite easy to build an adapter to connect it to ejtag hardware like the bdi2000 or similar.
firmware: So you mean a kernel and maybe a rootfile-system? Didn't came anything with the board?
Depending on the HW-components on the board you may require your own kernel which
you can build from the sources on, try at first a default configuration for the Au1100.
safiudeen Ts wrote:
How can we copy the kernel image to target board (processor au1100 )?
if we want to use JTAG where can I get the jatg schemetic detailes and the firmware for Red Hat linux 9
please any one can help me in this regards
than you safi
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