In message <BAY15-F33CIq1eE3VsX00049230@xxxxxxxxxxx> you wrote: > How can we copy the kernel image to target board (processor au1100 )? > if we want to use JTAG where can I get the jatg schemetic detailes and the > firmware for Red Hat linux 9 You don't need any special information about the JTAG interface (and you will find that it is very difficult to get and under strict NDA if at all). All you need is a JTAG debugger which understands how to deal with this interface, for example the Abatron BDI2000 (which is just great especially for Linux). Best regards, Wolfgang Denk -- Software Engineering: Embedded and Realtime Systems, Embedded Linux Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87 Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88 Email: wd@xxxxxxx The C-shell doesn't parse. It adhoculates. - Casper.Dik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in <3ol96k$b2j@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>