On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 11:36:50AM -0800, Jun Sun wrote: > I was thinking most ISA dirvers should simply use inb/outb to access ioports. > Don't really any ISA devices have their own memory space. But, anyway, who Hm, what is with network cards such as the WD8013 or the SMC Ultra (8 kb SRAM send- and receive-buffer)? Greetings, Karsten (still happily using these, albeit on i386) -- #include <standard_disclaimer> Nach Paragraph 28 Abs. 3 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz widerspreche ich der Nutzung oder Uebermittlung meiner Daten fuer Werbezwecke oder fuer die Markt- oder Meinungsforschung.