I spent a while compiling up native mips/Indy rpms to add onto H.J.'s RedHat 7.1 distro. It took a while to build these (eg. 17hrs per compile for X) so to save people some time and effort I thought I'd put them up for download. Mostly they came from a recent 'rawhide' so they're somewhere between RH7.1 and RH7.2. The exceptions are XFree4 and glibc which are from H.J.'s SRPMs. For at least the next few weeks they're at: http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~rjh/mips/ The main ones are XFree4, perl, tcsh, gtk+, glibc and gdm. But there are lots of other rpms in there too. As far as I can tell they all work fine. I'm sure I did some dodgy things to a couple of them whilst making patches and altering spec files, so don't expect those few to be elegant or particularly portable. Those packages that I had to tweak are available in the SRPMS dir. openjade isn't there either (as I failed to get it to build) but AFAICT it's not really needed. I'm away from my Indy 'til Xmas so can't do any more unfortunately :-/ Hope it's useful to someone! :) cheers, robin