Hello, http://linuxmips.ichilton.co.uk is back up in a temporary location after problems with the connection beyond our control (http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/03/30/0245222&mode=thread) I have also ordered the linuxmips.net domain at my own cost, but this should make it nicer :) Also coming in the next few weeks is a big update sweep, so if you have any comments / links / docs / info etc, then please let me know! Bye for Now, Ian \|||/ (o o) /-----------------------------ooO-(_)-Ooo----------------------------\ | Ian Chilton E-Mail: ian@ichilton.co.uk | | IRC Nick: GadgetMan Backup: ichilton@www.linux.org.uk | | ICQ: 16007717 / 104665842 Web : http://www.ichilton.co.uk | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| | For people who like peace and quiet: a phoneless cord | \--------------------------------------------------------------------/