Hi Ed,
Your issue is with actionscript. You need to setNewTextFormat since the text is loaded after the format is set.
Or you can leave your original line and just add the other line.
Hope that helps! Jerry
--- On Sat, 8/30/08, Ed depet <mingpostje@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Ed depet <mingpostje@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: create.Textfield ; textarea not To: ming-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: Saturday, August 30, 2008, 4:01 AM
Hi Mingusers, I've got a problem with some code. I want to load a variable from a text file and all goes well. But the weird thing is that the style settings in 'new Textformat' is notting formatting at all, exept in 'text = 'backup gedaan ...' So the text from the variable is not set by Textformat, but instead just an ordinary font type and size. Probably a sort of default setting in flash. Do you know how i can solve this?
Here is my code:
<?php Ming_setScale(20.0000000); ming_useswfversion(6); $film = new SWFMovie(); $film -> setDimension (300,300); $film -> setBackground (100,100,100); $film -> setRate (15);
// maak tekstveld createTextField ('mijntekst',2,20,20,200,100); with (mijntekst) { multiline = true; wordwrap = true; border = true; text = 'Backup gedaan...'; type = 'dynamic'; }
// opmaak
tekstveld tekstformaat = new Textformat(); tekstformaat.color = 0x006600 ; tekstformaat.size = 12; tekstformaat.font = 'babelsansb.fdb'; tekstformaat.bold = true; mijntekst.setTextFormat(tekstformaat);
myData = new LoadVars(); myData.Load ('mijnvaria.txt'); myData. { mijntekst.text = this.mijnVariabele; };
$film->add(new SWFAction($strAction)); $film -> save ("kalenderbewaard.swf",9); ?>
<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> </head> <body> <div id="naarrechts"> <embed src="" width=300 height=300 type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </div> </body> </html> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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