I need to customise my layout. I have referred to the page <layout.html> which came with the documentation.
In addition, in the sub-directory <rcfileexs> which came with the documentation I assume that these are examples. So that I can use
the content in the <subject.mrc.html> file, for example, and place
it in my RCFILE and that would dictate my layout?
Essentially, all I need is to display only the message body of the last message on my page - nothing else. I do not need the who or to or subject or date or the navigation items at the top of the page (<prev [Date] next> ). What exactly do I put into my RCFILE?
You include those resources whose defaults you want to exchange for something else. Just play with it by help of the docs, and ask here if you have a *specific* question.
-- Gunnar Hjalmarsson Email: http://www.gunnar.cc/cgi-bin/contact.pl