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Re: can $ENV(DESCRIPTION) be sticky?
Since using $ENV$ to store item-specific information was unproductive,
I moved on.
Now I am doing this with $NOTE$ , and it seems to work fine.
I've included the new script I am using below. Others might use it as a
basis for doing something similar. If you have comments or suggestions,
please let me know.
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;
# parse message a single message on STDIN and write a summary
# to a file in $notedir/$msgid
# Index of this script:
# - A) config and programmer notes
# - B) parse header (look for message-id in headers)
# - C) msgid cleanup (define a safe variable $notedir/$msgid)
# - D) parse body (and assemble $note)
# - E) create file $notedir/$msgid
# if you want a NOTE that looks different from mine, edit D)
# -------------- A) config and programmer notes
# the only configuration you _need_ is to change $myhome
my $myhome = '/home/root204';
my $sep = '/';
my $notedir = $myhome . $sep . 'notes';
-d $notedir or die "please create $notedir";
# and in your .mrc file
# 1. define the <notedir>path</notedir> , where path eq $notedir
# 2. use $NOTE$ somewhere, like
# <meta name="description" content="$NOTE$">
# if you want to process STDIN, run it like
# cat msg | msg2note.pl
# if you want to process a mail folder like this, run it like
# formail -s msg2note.pl < mailfolder
my ($overwrite); # will overwrite any existing notes if 1
# $overwrite = 1;
my ($quiet); # will be quiet about warning if 1
$quiet = 1;
# -------------- B) parse header
# read until we leave the header, looking for msgid
my (%fields);
while ( <> ) {
last if /^$/;
$fields{ message } = $1 if /^message-id: (.*)/i;
$fields{ msg } = $1 if /^msg-id: (.*)/i;
$fields{ content } = $1 if /^content-id: (.*)/i;
# -------------- C) msgid cleanup
my ($msgid);
$msgid = $fields{message} || $fields{msg} || $fields{content};
if (defined($msgid)) {
if ($msgid =~ /<([^>]*)>/) {
$msgid = $1;
} else {
$msgid =~ s/^\s+//; # strip leading whitespace
$msgid =~ s/\s+$//; # strip trailing whitespace
} else {
print "could not find a message-id: , NOTE will be empty\n" unless $quiet;
# since we're opening a writeable file handle using the messagid,
# lets only let some characters in -- I could be wrong about this.
$msgid =~ s/[^\w-._@]//g;
$msgid =~ s/\.\././g;
my $notefile = $notedir . $sep . $msgid;
# sanity check
if (-e $notefile and ! $overwrite ) {
print "$notefile ... exists\n" unless $quiet;
# -------------- D) parse body
# Here I parse the mail message body, looking for a good summary.
# Different types of messages will have different looking 'good' summaries.
# On the news releases I saw, most of the good summaries ended with a period,
# followed by a blank line.
# This isn't perfect, but it worked for most of my messages.
# I may want to revise this once I understand MIME better.
$/ = ""; # read by paragraphs in the body
my $note = '';
while ( <> ) {
last if ( length($note) gt 200 );
# grab following paragraph if we have one short but good paragraph.
next unless ( $note or (! /^[^ ]: / and /(\.|\?)"?\s*$/ ));
$note .= $_;
# remove stupid bylines
$note =~ s/---+[^-]*---+//g;
# be sure to remove <>"\ from the note, or it could mess up HTML
$note =~ tr/"/'/;
$note =~ s (\<|\>) ()g;
# -------------- E) write $notedir/$msgid
open (NOTE, ">" . $notefile) or die "could not create $notefile";
print NOTE substr ( $note, 0,600);
close (NOTE) or die "could not create $notefile";
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