low end netbooks pre-installed with Linux may be obtained for sub $200
prices. that's cheaper than anything Apple or Nokia are offering in a
comparable category & they don't require special SDKs. Apple's P.A.
Semi talent will do wonders for Apple but it won't be much use
elswhere as they're unlikely to license their SoCs to 3rd parties.
On Jan 28, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Will Marone <wjmarone@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That article is making me rage. Fortunately, the readers
and commenters for the site responded quickly with far
more insight than the article's author.
In a way Apple doing their own chip is brilliant. They get
exactly what they want in the quantities they desire, and
can strike special deals to be bleeding-edge. Which makes the
hardware pretty impresssive, except for the display.
I don't think I'd touch an iPad unless given one for free,
and only then to jailbreak it. After all, there's a very
good reason why I got my N900.
On 1/28/2010 3:48 PM, Christer Eliasson wrote:
Enough said ....
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