>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Flynn <peter.flynn@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes: Peter> I've never quite understood why, given that only 10 years Peter> ago, my main system was a 64Mb desktop running Red Hat 3 or Peter> something, and WordPerfect for Linux (another monolithic Peter> monster) executed quite usably, if slowly. I would have Peter> thought that in the intervening decade, technology would Peter> have advanced a little more than this. It has -- Microsoft Word has invented lots more kinds of bloat than they had 10 years ago, so a program that tries to read all possible Word documents has to be lots bigger. Software never gets faster. When they make the hardware faster, they make the software slower to compensate. -- Laura (mailto:lconrad@xxxxxxxxxxxx) (617) 661-8097 233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139 http://www.laymusic.org/ http://www.serpentpublications.org What a natural history of religion would show is that the human experience of the divine has deep roots in psychoactive plants and fungi. (Karl Marx may have gotten it backward when he called religion the opiate of the people.) Michael Pollan, _The Botany of Desire_ _______________________________________________ maemo-users mailing list maemo-users@xxxxxxxxx https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-users