Gary, and speaking of which, i.e. ".............Everyone and their brother's cousin is jumping off the Windows Mobile ship and on to the Android platform for a multitude of reasons." I did just that today by replacing my rusting Windows Mobile 5.x handset with a Motorola (not HTC) Droid. With 20 minutes of use so far, it looks quite promising. The GPS seems to work effortlessly, and, or course, integrated somehow with Google maps. Now...........If I can just find the icon to install a VNC server on it so I can get at it from my desktop "KVM". Best Regards, John Holmblad Acadia Secure Networks, LLC * * Gary wrote: > <midoscentavos> > Maps and navigation aside, who originally published android.img.bz2 and > android-installer.deb? More importantly, I wonder if Nokia's considered > releasing and Android 2.0 version of the N900 but if not, how about the > original Android porters? Everyone and their brother's cousin is jumping > off the Windows Mobile ship and on to the Android platform for a > multitude of reasons. In short they are 1) Windows Mobile is still > Windows, 2) iPhone and WebOS are not available, and 3) they want an > iPhone killer. Bottom line; competition and choice are good things. > </midoscentavos> > _______________________________________________ > maemo-users mailing list > maemo-users@xxxxxxxxx > > > > _______________________________________________ maemo-users mailing list maemo-users@xxxxxxxxx