Bridging multiple tablets with bluetooth?
There are some command line examples and some other information.
Many of us would love a developer to build a GUI bluebooth PAN setup that would allow users to set up a bluetooth PAN network even when there's no WiFi around.
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Gary <gary@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The whole point of using Bluetooth is that neither device need be
connected to a wireless LAN, Internet or no. If you're going to go
through the trouble of setting up ad hoc wireless connections then
you're taking a lot of extra time to do the same thing that Bluetooth
does for your automatically so pick one or the other. I haven't tried it
but if Bluetooth assigns each device an IP address, what prevents one
from using scp? If that's not possible, has anyone made an ObexFTP
package for mameo? It would simplify things considerably if scp is not
an option...
Also, if the original poster is already asking for command line tools,
why's there a problem with finding IP addresses from the same command
line you've already opened for said file transfers?
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