All, here is the url to the www page that has an article that discusses a feature, "Internet Connection Sharing" that is in Windows Mobile 5.0 AKU 3.0 and higher as well as Windows Mobile 6.0. It allows the Internet connection on the handset to be shared with downstream devices (e.g. the N800). In fact the article mentions the benefit of the N800 and its larger screensize than the typical smartphone. Unfortunately, some mobile service providers, including Verizon Wireless, in order to discourage higher utilization of the broadband connection, do not incorporate the app to expose this feature in their firmware build. And here is the url to the www page for an article that is referenced on the above www page that "exposes" this functionality in Windows Mobile: -- Best Regards, John Holmblad Acadia Secure Networks, LLC <mailto:jholmblad at>