You can remap the n810's built-in hardware keyboard and replace the yen or euro symbol with the pipe | symbol. Edit the /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-44 file. Change this... key { [ m, M, euro, euro ] }; To this... key { [ m, M, bar, bar ] }; Do a hard reset. Pipe | is now Fn-m. I found the above info by googling. URL available on request. Finding | on the n800's virtual keyboard is a little tricky, too. First select Caps (second row down on your far lefthand side) and then select &!e (third row down on your far righthand side) .... Then select Symbols (top row, second closest to your far lefthand side) and then select | (see URL below) .... It's above the copyright symbol, next to pi. Tallyho, Thomas Armagost silly at