I investigated further. It turns out that tetex-bin (which tetex-base and tetex-extra depend on) has conflicts with: debconf 1.4.70.osso2 sed 4.1.2-8 coreutils 5.2.1-2osso1 debianutils 2.17 Further investigation indicates that there are two root conflicts. The first is that the standard installation includes a package fakedebconf which replaces debconf with a script that doesn't ask any questions and always answers yes for the defaults. fakedebconf conflcts with debconf and tetex-bin depends on debconf. The second is that the standard installation includes a package called busybox. Busybox is a lightweight replacement for things like sh, cp, mv, ls, ... providing a compatible subset of the functionality with less memory footprint. It conflicts with sed, coreutils, and debianutils. I suspect that tetex-bin will work just fine with fakedebconf and busybox. Is there a way to force it to ignore the conflicts and go ahead and install anyway? Alternatively, could I replace fakedebconf with the real debconf and busybox with the real tools? Then I would have to figure out all of the packages that I would need to install to cover the busybox functionality. And deinstalling fakedebconf and busybox might cause a chain reaction deinstalling almost the whole system. Any ideas? Jeff (http://www.ece.purdue.edu/~qobi)