Hi Norman, > -----Original Message----- > From: ext Norman Ramsey [mailto:nr at eecs.harvard.edu] > > * despite my warnings, I got reports that Modest works quite Ok > > on OS2007/Bora. That's great news! We'll try to keep it that way > > for the foreseeable future. You will have to build your own > > packages for OS2007 though. > > That is great news---but I downloaded the svn source and > debian/control has a list of build-deps as long as your arm. > Unfortunately I can't find any of them, as I don't know what > repositories to look in. My root image contains the following pitiful > /etc/apt/sources.list: > > deb http://repository.maemo.org/ bora free non-free > deb-src http://repository.maemo.org/ bora free > > What repositories to I need to add in order to be able to run > dpkg-buildpackage on the sources? I'm sure there must be useful > repositories at garage.maemo.org, but I don't know where. > > (If it makes a difference I am running under scratchbox2 using the > Code Sourcery toolchain.) Ah... You would need to copy control.maemo-bora to control, but I think there might still be some packages missing, such as libwpeditor-plus-dev. We'll be putting some work in getting it to run on bora too, will get back on this. Best wishes, Dirk.