Hi, according to Wayfinder website http://www.wayfinder.com/?id=5365&lang=en-US Nokia is supposed to support "Maps" application shipped with IT2008. Unfortunately, there is no such component in Maemo bugzilla ATM. Until this is fixed, here is a nice bug report for Maps application : -this application saves its maps data downloaded to the internal memory card (I'm speaking about n800) but it does check if there is enough free space on it while downloading, which cause the download progress bar to get stuck at one value and never go beyond (and of course, there is no "no space available" warning. -you can't change the default memory card used by this application. This is problematic : for instance, I have a 128MB internal memory card and a 2GB external memory card and I can't download France maps (300MB), unless I use symlinks from one card to another. -- Fr?d?ric Crozat