According to Berhan SOYLU <berhan at>: > I think we need a community message board. Nowadays, there comes nearly 20 > mails per a day...mail group is so primitive for this..Is there anyone who > knows why we don't have o message board like phpbb, smf or something like > etc...? If you really would prefer a slow mouse-driven interface with no automation to a fast keyboard-driven text interface with filtering, scoring, and killfiles, there's always You can even have a blog interface without threading: More seriously: if you think that email is primitive and the various forum systems are superior, you simply haven't been introduced to the right tools, tools that have been developed for years specifically to handle large volumes of list mail. Tool number one is a proper threading mail-reader such as mutt, along with any of the various mail processors to sort list mail into various folders, rather than piling up in the inbox. Tool number two is a newsreader (NNTP, NOT RSS) such as trn (my preference, but pretty much dead) or slrn (still developed, better for people who don't have the trn keystrokes burned into their brains from 20 years of use) or pan (GUI, but with decent keyboard controls and excellent filtering capabilities) pointed at, which allows you to read pretty much any popular mailling list with all the features designed to allow people to deal with literally thousands of posts per day. Regards, Steve -- Steve Greenland The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world. -- seen on the net