Jos? Lu?s wrote: > Recently, I have this problem too. This is because, canola's > installation was no successfully finished . This happen in the > installation of avahi-daemon (canola dependency), because he try to > access /etc/shadow file, but is not present in the n800 device. To > solve this I used xterm to create a /etc/shadow file based on > /etc/passwd (see shadow file in any linux distribution, for details) . > After creation of /etc/shadow file, you can use the command apt-get > install -f, to fix canola's installation. This is probably my problem. After posting my note last night, I ran apt-get from the command line (to install wget) and discovered a number of unprocessed configuration scripts, including avahi-daemon. To get avahi running I had to create both a user and a group. At this point I'm probably going to have to reflash the unit over the weekend and start over, as I have managed to foul up Application Manager, which opens a window but won't run. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling Canola several times from the command line and undoubtedly have created a mess. I got as far as Canola finding the files but refusing to play any of them, but eventually fell back to the no-files problem. I've only had this thing for a week. Consider it a dry run. :-)