Hello Eero, Thanks a lot for answering my post, I had some fears that it would maybe start a flameware - which was is/was not intended. It should just refelct my opinion that I think there's a lot of performance-work left to make toe N800 to be as cool as it could be. > Our generic UI requirements for responsiveness are: > - All user actions need to give user response within 0.5 seconds > (e.g. when tapping any menu item, the menu closes in less than > 0.5 secs to indicate that something happened) > - If an operation (such as opening a dialog) takes more than > 3 secs, there needs to be banner about the operation > > These are intended for device that is otherwise idle. > > > The requirements are not very tight, but that's because they are > generic ones, everything on the device has to fulfill them. If you > can measure with xresponse that something doesn't fill the above > requirement, please file a bug report. I guess almost everything repaints faster than 500ms, which is in my opinion to some degree catastrophic goal to archieve. It's better to reach for the impossible than to settle for just another ugly performance ;) Keep in mind a user moves a SplitPane's Spliter and see's 2 updates per second - not very cool in a time where everything in consumer devices is animated and smooth. Is a fix response time really an answer to measure the tearing experience someone see's on an N800? Even the Zaurus I own (however its APIs are way more "closed") is way more responsive. Because its currently in the hype ... I am quite interrested about IPodTouch's user interface will perform, but I can't imagin apple would deliver something slow and stuttering like N800's current UI. Please don't get me wrong, this is not intended to start a flamewar nore to offend or displease Nokia. Just my thoughts written down ;) lg Clemens