Hello, I just got my N880 and I really think its a cool device. It now looks in my opinion even more professional than the old one and has matured to a "real" product. However from the software-user point-of-view I am not so happy with it, especially when it comes to performance. Every menu you open/clode every; every windows which appears or is hidden, every Drag&Drop action or scrolling, or SplitPane-Resizing (e.g. in the filechooser), or selecting a list. Everything that has to do with intercating with the UI is really damn slow :-/ Its almost the same than with the 770, however I thought that maybe the 2 years additional time to work on the platform and the faster hardware could have improved the situation - but it even feels slower than IT2006 on my 770. I don't know but maybe GTK simply was the wrong choice? (I have to admit that I am a known GTK hater so please take this question with the needed grain of salt). As soon as you moove something you see/feel the stuttering, and destroyed areas are repainted really slow (more complex windows like the info-dialogs of the audio player take 300-600ms to repaint!) And yes I am a developer and not an average user so I thought maybe "normal" users don't notice it. I gave it to my brother and he also said (without that I talked about the slowness with him) that it feels even slower than the 770 and that he thinks its not quite ready because it does bother him quite a bit. However all in all the N800 is a great device, the system-software is great (as it already was with IT2006) and stability is as good as it should. Good work. However I am still hoping that some performance problems in the UI could be solved somewhere in the future... lg Clemens