I normally don't get into case/keybd discussions...however I did find a fully in-case functional "case" (ahem) for N800. Nice black leather? with white stitching and all ports/buttons are visible. Case flap can even be flipped around to make it stand on desk without resorting to freeing stand on n800 itself. http://cgi.ebay.com/Leather-Case-for-Nokia-N800-Internet-Tablet-BK-Fully-Pr_W0QQitemZ150139265641QQihZ005QQcategoryZ75432QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Just search on nokie leather and black on ebay and you'll find them. Sellers are prompt and product is quality. I want cases to satisfy two requirements most of the time: ruggedizes device AND allows in-case usage. For when I'm fishing/kayaking I have a nice AquaPac and I bought a neoprene neck strap/lanyard system...can boogie while I'm paddling so it's quite effective...now I just need a2dp. mike Benjam? Villoslada wrote: > Finally l've located one leather case that is fine for the N800: CP61 > for Nokia 9500. > >