On Fri, 2007-07-06 at 13:22 +0300, ext Marius Gedminas wrote: > Now going through my checklist[4] and reinstalling all the apps. > > [4] http://mg.pov.lt/770/reflash-n800.html You might want to look at another upgrade recipe: http://internet-tablet.com/software/kak-obnovitsya-chtobyi-potom-ne-byilo-muchitelno-bolno-pereustanavlivat-ves-nakoplennyiy-tyazhkimi-trudami-soft/#more-123 It introduces pretty smart method of automatic aplications reinstallation. It's written in Russian. Below is my poor translation (I hope author wouldn't mind). <translation> How to get upgraded without having PITA reinstalling all your so hard collected software. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by dik How I've got upgraded: 1. Went to Control Panel/Backup and made full backup. 2. Copied some files(in particular Maemopad+ database) which were in root directory for some reason to my mmc1 card. 3. Saved list of installed applications to the mmc1 card by running dpkg ?get-selections > /media/mmc1/soft.txt 4. Flashed new firmware (flashing guide is here: http://internet-tablet.com/main/pereproshivaem-n800-ustanavlivaem-os-2007/) 5. During first boot Installation Wizard recognized backup on my card and proposed to restore it. I couldn't refuse that :) 6. Install xterm(http://maemo-hackers.org/osso-xterm.install) and becomeroot(http://eko.one.pl/maemo/dists/bora/user/binary-armel/becomeroot_0.1-2_armel.deb) 7. Open xterm window, become root: $sudo gainroot and change default root password: #passwd 8. Get our saved list of installed software from the place we put it before: #dpkg ?set-selections < /media/mmc1/soft.txt 9. Upgrade according to the selected list: #apt-get dselect-upgrade 10.Application manager displays list of packages to upgrade and asks for my permission: Yes! 11.Packages got loaded in a couple of minutes and installation begins. Sometimes licence agreement windows pop up. I agree :) 12.When application installer finished its work (no error messages!) I looked at the menu - all software have been installed successfully except of that which was installed not from repositories. Everything went smoothly in my case. I wish you the same. Here is my /etc/apt/sources.list: #maemo:name Nokia Catalogue #maemo:essential deb http://catalogue.tableteer.nokia.com/certified/ bora user #maemo:name Nokia Catalogue (3rd party software) deb http://catalogue.tableteer.nokia.com/non-certified/ bora user #maemo:name extras deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras bora free non-free #maemo:name base-repository deb http://repository.maemo.org bora free non-free #maemo:name mg deb http://mg.pov.lt/770 bora user other #maemo:name FBReader repository deb http://www.fbreader.org/maemo bora user #maemo:name GPE Todo deb http://downloads.kernelconcepts.de/maemo3 bora free #maemo:name Screen grabber deb http://tuomas.kulve.fi/debian bora maemo #maemo:name Claws-mail deb http://www.claws-mail.org/maemo bora user #maemo:name Minimo deb http://home.ufam.edu.br/~agan/minimo/ bora user #maemo:name Canola deb http://openbossa.indt.org.br/canola/repository-beta2/bora bora user #maemo:name Xournal deb http://www.bgran.net/etrunko/apt mistral user #maemo:name Minimo deb http://www.maemo.org.br/minimo/ bora user #maemo:name maemo-hackers deb http://maemo-hackers.org/apt bora main Obviously packages installed not from the repositories nor with .install files can't be reinstalled this way. I would have to save them somewhere before installation. </translation> Disclaimer: I translated this document in my free time. This is not related to my job in Nokia. -- Ed Bartosh <eduard.bartosh at nokia.com> Nokia-M/Helsinki