Hi, here in the Ottawa Linux Symposium I saw a guy that was using the the Think Outside Stowaway Bluetooth keyboard on this 770. I'd like to know if this keyboard is also supported by N800. http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?pfp=SEARCH&Ntt=think+outside+keyboard&N=0&Dx=mode+matchall&Nty=1&D=think+outside+keyboard&Ntk=All&product_code=50801445&Pn=Stowaway_Bluetooth_Wireless_Keyboard_for_Select_Pocket_PCs Thanks, Leandro. -- Leandro Melo de Sales. Pervasive and Embedded Computing Laboratory http://embedded.ufcg.edu.br/ +55 083 3310-1404 (extension 208) "There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, those who don't"