Hello Everyone, Sdictionary is giving me the error "not a valid sdict dictionary" when I try to add a downloaded dictionary. The dictionaries are several english to english ones from <http://sdict.com/en/>. I did not change the names of the downloaded dictionaries, they are for ex MWcollegiate.dct. I thought it might be because I had buried them on the external memory card so I moved them around but no luck. I have a Nokia 800 with ITOS 2007 v 3.2007.10-7. I have python2.5-runtime v 0.4-9 and sdictviewer v 0.4.0 installed. I made sure I downloaded http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sdictviewer/sdictviewer-0.4.0-py2.5.deb from <http://sdictviewer.sourceforge.net/> and not the version for Python 2.4. I must be missing something obvious?? Regards, -- Peter Bart <peter at petertheplumber.net> http://petertheplumber.net